An important investment and operations platform for foreign cooperation and technological innovation in ICT industry

  • 5000+
    Granted Patents
  • 16
    R&D Centers
  • 130+
    Countries and Regions
  • 24
    Manufacturing Bases
*All the companies invested by Huaxin

With the construction of smart city in 5G era as the core, our four key businesses are communication solutions, optical fiber, enterprise network and cloud computing, system integration and software services.

  • Nokia Shanghai Bell Co., Ltd.
  • Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company (YOFC)
  • Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE)
  • Shanghai Fortune Telecommunication Technology Development Co.,Ltd.
  • Shanghai Sincere Technology Co., Ltd.
  • China Unitechs Co.,Ltd.
  • HAN Networks Co., Ltd.
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